Method for calculating parameters of the equidistant toroidal shell of a composite balloon
Authors: Komkov M.A., Badanina Y.V. | Published: 04.08.2023 |
Published in issue: #8(761)/2023 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering | |
Keywords: composite balloon, toroidal shell generatrix, meridional winding, circumferential winding, elliptic integrals |
The paper considers a promising high-pressure toroidal composite cylinder. It proposes a design option, where its load-bearing shell is reinforced with strong fibers along the meridian. Calculated dependences were obtained to determine the shape of the equal-strength toroidal shell generatrix registered by the elliptic integrals. The generatrix consisted of two smooth curves symmetrically located relative to the horizontal axis and intersecting at the acute angle. The annular frame made by the fibers circumferential winding was installed along the circle, where the revolution surfaces formed by the indicated curves intersected; the frame was made by circumferential winding of the fibers. Numerical example is provided, where geometric and mass characteristics of the designed toroidal pressure vessel were calculated.
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