Mechanics of thickening corners of the W-shaped parts made of sheet material by the shelf length excess
Authors: Tarasov V.A., Baskakov V.D., Baburin M.A., Boyarskiy D.S., Boyarskaya R.V. | Published: 07.12.2024 |
Published in issue: #12(777)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering | |
Keywords: sheet materials, saw-tooth parts, corner thickening technology, bifurcation points |
Thickening the corners of the W-shaped parts (as a solution to an urgent technical problem) could be achieved by straightening in the corrugations stamp formed in compression of the workpiece shelf with a length excess. Solution to this problem allows increasing the load-bearing capacity of power structures in mechanical engineering, aircraft and rocket engineering, as well as ensuring electrical and thermal conductivity of the structures. The workpiece length excess determines the corrugations number before installing on the die plane and, as a consequence, the waviness residual amplitude and the waves periodicity. Comparing the plastic deformation work in the corners corrugation and thickening makes it possible to establish the moments of an increase in the number of corrugations and subsequent thickening of corners (bifurcation moments). The 30KhGSA steel deformation diagram shows two bifurcation points, as an example. Two half-waves participate in the thickening process towards the first point, then three and four half-waves - towards the second. Accordingly, the part shelves waviness in these zones has two, three and four half-waves. The paper proposes a method for assessing the residual waviness amplitude on the part shelves.
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