On Vibration Control of Turbo Generators K-1200-6.8/50+ Т3В-1200-2АУЗ Installed in the First and Second Units of Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant
Authors: Arkadov G.V., Gusev I.N., SlepovM.T., Usachev D.E., Esperov D.G. | Published: 11.04.2022 |
Published in issue: #5(746)/2022 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Methods and Devices for Monitoring and Diagnosing Materials, Products, Substances | |
Keywords: spectral composition of vibration, turbo generator vibration control, rotor resonance, stator overhang, water cooling, axial oscillations in supports |
The paper briefly describes the K-1200-6.8/50 turbine, a component of the innovative VVER-1200 pressurised water reactor unit. The main advantage of this turbine is that instead of implementing cooling by filling the generator interior with hydrogen it uses full water cooling, which prevents explosion or combustion. Direct cooling of the stator winding works as follows: distillate circulating in a closed circuit flows through hollow stainless steel water-cooling components laid within the stator grooves. The number of hollow water-cooling elements in the stator grooves is dictated by a desire to ensure sufficient cooling efficiency while minimising electromagnetic losses. The paper considers the features of vibration manifested and vibration control of the turbo generator in terms of the generator-exciter assembly, as, when seeking to minimise time spent on mounting and adjusting loads while performing vibration correction via balancing, the most readily available planes are those located on the rotors of the generator and exciter. We investigated the possibility to reduce axial components of oscillations occurring in supports No. 10 and 11 by balancing the shaft line rotors in their own bearings at the operating frequency.
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