Ultrasonic quality control of the aerial vehicle fiberglass structural elements impregnation with the organic resins
Authors: Chulkov D.I., Terekhin A.V., Tipikin M.E., Dumansky A.M. | Published: 28.02.2023 |
Published in issue: #3(756)/2023 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Methods and Devices for Monitoring and Diagnosing Materials, Products, Substances | |
Keywords: ultrasonic control, impregnation quality, fiberglass heat resistance |
Fiberglass products after molding and heat treatment are impregnated with the organosilicon resin to increase heat resistance followed by polymerization by heat treatment. A method for non-destructive quality control of the composite-profile products impregnation made of fiberglass plastics with the organosilicon resin is proposed. Results of experimental work are presented on the study of alteration in the longitudinal ultrasonic waves speed in structural elements of the aerial vehicles made of fiberglass before and after impregnation with the organosilicon resin, i.e. the MFSS-8 product. Besides, alteration in the longitudinal ultrasonic waves speed in the fiberglass samples violating the impregnation technology are demonstrated.
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