The "Machine-part Joint"» Topic in a Modern "Engineering Graphics" Course
Authors: Yurenkova L.R., Burlay V.V. | Published: 19.09.2013 |
Published in issue: #6(639)/2013 | |
Category: Instruction & Methodology | |
Keywords: engineering graphics, machine-part joints, drawing, education processes, computer technology, Bachelor’s degree program, specialist degree program |
In terms of higher education reform in Russia with the introduction of two-level training for engineers the content of some disciplines and sections has changed. One of the key topics as the «Machine-part Joints» in «Engineering Graphics» course, in particular, got a significant change in reducing the number of academic hours. The article considers the ways of improving the educational process, including a use of a workbook that lists the problems for seminars and midterm examination. All the necessary reference information is provided by the manual, prepared to work on «Machine-part Joints» topic. To develop a large amount of educational material on the topic, the authors suggest using the Atlas with drawings of assembly units and machine parts that are joined in many different ways. Atlas will allow to short the time for introducing the students to a variety of types of modern machine-part joints. To reduce the proportion of time-consuming manual drawings, what are the drawings of assembly units, the authors propose using an electronic version of the workbook in a graphics editor (AutoCAD or Compass).
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