Experimental Studies of the Rotational Speed Automatic Control System for Locomotive Engine Shafts
Authors: Markov V.A., Furman V.V., Plakhov S.V., Sa Bowen | Published: 03.03.2020 |
Published in issue: #3(720)/2020 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines | |
Keywords: shunting diesel locomotive, internal combustion engine, diesel engine, rotational speed automatic control system, PID-controller, PI-controller |
This study addresses the problem of selecting the optimal structure and parameters of an electronic rotational speed controller for the crankshaft of a locomotive engine. An electronic control system of fuel supply ESUVT.01 developed by OOO PPP Dizelavtomatika (Saratov) for the locomotive diesel engine D50 manufactured by OAO Penzadizelmash is presented in the paper. Experimental studies were conducted to evaluate the impact of the structure and parameters of the system on dynamic properties of the engine. Bench tests were conducted on a diesel generator unit 1-PDG4D consisting of a diesel engine D50 and a traction generator MPT-84/39. As the result of the testing, equations describing dependencies of the transient process duration, overspeeding during the transient process and the free period on the parameters of the proportional-and-integral controller were obtained. The study confirmed the need to optimise the values of the coefficients of the proportional and integral components of the proportional-and-integral governing law and adjust them in accordance with the operational mode of the diesel engine. An appropriate optimisation method was proposed. Optimised values of these coefficients for the transient process of the studied diesel engine acceleration with regard to the locomotive characteristic were obtained.
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