Improving the Fuel Supply Process in Locomotive Diesel Engines
Authors: Markov V.A., Furman V.V., Plakhov S.V. | Published: 13.04.2020 |
Published in issue: #4(721)/2020 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines | |
Keywords: diesel locomotive, diesel engine, rotational speed automatic control system, injection advance angle |
A topical problem of improving the fuel supply process in locomotive diesel engines in considered in this article. An ESUVT.01 type electronic control system developed by OOO PPP Dizelavtomatika (Saratov) for a D50 (6 ChN 31.8/33) locomotive diesel engine manufactured by Penzadizelmash is presented. It is shown that fuel efficiency and exhaust gas toxicity indicators can be significantly improved by optimizing the initial fuel supply phase, that is the injection advance angle. Experimental studies are conducted to assess the influence of this angle on the locomotive engine characteristics. Bench tests were carried out on a 1-PDG4D diesel generator consisting of the above-mentioned diesel engine and a traction generator MPT-84/39. As the result of the tests, dependencies of the diesel characteristics on the injection advance angle are obtained, and the need to optimize the injection advance angle according to the diesel operation mode is confirmed. Optimized values of the injection advance angle in the diesel characteristics modes are obtained. Fuel efficiency and exhaust gas toxicity indicators are determined at the optimized injection advance angle.
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