Forcing a Four-Stroke Engine by Switching it to a Two-Stroke Cycle at Low-Speed Modes
Authors: Markov V.A., Barchenko F.B., Savastenko E.A., Savastenko A.A., Lotfullin Sh.R., Neverov V.A. | Published: 30.01.2022 |
Published in issue: #2(743)/2022 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines | |
Keywords: gasoline engine, diesel engine, four-stroke cycle, two-stroke cycle, external speed characteristic, dynamic engine qualities |
Improving the dynamic qualities of internal combustion engines and the throttle response of vehicles equipped with them is an urgent problem in engine building. To solve it, we suggest switching a four-stroke engine to a two-stroke cycle at low-speed modes. Within the study, we found that the worst indicators of fuel efficiency of two-stroke engines are partially compensated by the best indicators of their power density. We took a close look at the switching of the 2 / 4SIGHT gasoline engine of the British company Ricardo from a four-stroke cycle to a two-stroke cycle. To implement the switching, we used a two-stage intercooled supercharging and a gas distribution valve switching system. The method proved to be applicable to diesel engines as well. Hence, we studied a diesel engine D-245 (4 CHN 11.0 / 12.5) mounted on a tracked vehicle. At a speed of 1600… 2400 min – 1, such a diesel engine operates in a four-stroke cycle, at lower speeds it operates in a two-stroke cycle. Finally, we did computational studies of the working process of this diesel engine. The study showed the expediency of switching the engine to a two-stroke cycle at low-speed modes.
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