Development of the Techniques for Calculating Heat Transfer during Sedimentation
Authors: Altunin K.V. | Published: 17.06.2022 |
Published in issue: #7(748)/2022 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines | |
Keywords: sedimentation similarity criterion, heat transfer calculating technique, salt sediment |
The article considers the problem of reducing heat transfer due to the sediment appearance on the walls of heat exchange equipment. A new sedimentation similarity criterion is proposed, taking into account its thermal and electrical nature. A technique for performing experiments with a solution and sediment is given. A new criterion equation was obtained for the conditions of natural convection of a salt solution, taking into account the salt sediment on the heat exchange surface. A technique has been developed for calculating heat transfer during the sediment formation based on a new sedimentation similarity criterion.
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