The Influence of the Open Axial Clearance on the Gas Flow and Energy Losses in the Turbine Stage with a Shroud on Working Blades
Authors: Molyakov V.D., Kunikeev B.A., Troitskiy N.I. | Published: 08.10.2018 |
Published in issue: #9(702)/2018 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Combination Turbine Plants | |
Keywords: turbine stage, turbine flow passage, closed axial clearance, open axial clearance, peritricha, rotor blades bandage |
Advanced aviation and power high-temperature gas turbine engines require high-load gas turbines, whose geometric parameters have to be optimized in order to improve the efficiency of the turbines, and reduce their size and weight. One of these parameters is the open axial clearance in the turbine flow passage. Traditionally, the choice of the axial clearance is associated with the equalization of the flow parameters in the gap between the grids due to the significant difference in pressure in the wake behind the outlet edges and the main flow, and the vibratory strength of the blades. To improve the efficiency of prospective engines in the 1960s and 1970s, V.V. Uvarov considered the possibility of burning fuel in the axial clearances of the flow passage of the turbine using a complex thermodynamic cycle. At present, interest in this issue has revived. This process requires establishing a relationship between the axial clearances and the zone of microflame combustion of the fuel. The influence of the increased open axial clearance on the efficiency of the shrouded stage of the gas turbine engine is studied. The turbine integral characteristics with variable rotational frequency of the turbine rotor and different values of the open axial clearance are determined. The analysis of the experiment results has shown that the efficiency of a turbine stage depends significantly on the open axial clearance when the boundary of the active jet falls under the impeller shroud, and shows a week dependence when the boundary of the jet falls directly into the open axial clearance.
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