A Parametric Analysis of Self-Acting Valves of Reciprocating Compressors Using Mathematical Modeling Methods
Authors: Kotlov А.А. | Published: 20.05.2019 |
Published in issue: #5(710)/2019 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Vacuum and Compressor Technology and Pneumatic Systems | |
Keywords: reciprocating compressor, self-acting valve, parameter optimization, stage efficiency, high reliability of the valve |
One of the important tasks in the design and operation of reciprocating compressors is to ensure energy-efficient and reliable operation of self-acting valves. The requirements of efficiency and reliability are largely competing, the simultaneous satisfaction of which is not always possible. This paper presents a calculation analysis of various factors effecting the operation of self-acting valves in order to select their rational design parameters. The results of the analysis for the valve’s changing parameters (spring stiffness and maximum valve stroke) and the crankshaft rotational speed are presented. The results obtained do not contradict the data previously described in the literature by other authors, namely, that a reduction in the spring stiffness leads to a reduction in the work expended on pushing the gas through the valve and to a delay in closing the valve, therefore resulting in the backflow of gas through the valve. Reducing the crankshaft rotational speed causes flutter, which affects both the parameters of the valve itself and the efficiency of the compressor as a whole.
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