Theoretical Estimation of Thermal Deformations of Non-Lubricated Bearings of Low-Flow Turbocharger Units
Authors: Raykovskiy N.A., Yusha V.L., Tretyakov A.V., Zakharov V.A. | Published: 28.10.2019 |
Published in issue: #10(715)/2019 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Vacuum and Compressor Technology and Pneumatic Systems | |
Keywords: non-lubricated bearing, low-flow turbine unit, numerical method, thermal state, temperature deformation |
When designing turbocharger units (microturbines) working with high-temperature flows, it is possible to completely abandon lubrication system and use self-lubricating bearings instead. At the same time, it is important to ensure the required temperature regimes and permissible temperature deformations. Currently, there are no calculation methods that could be used to determine the temperature fields and temperature deformations of the ‘rotor — self-lubrication bearings’ system. The paper proposes a numerical method for calculating bearing assemblies, which takes into account the mutual influence of the operating modes of the turbine unit and the bearing cooling system. The proposed method is tested, and the results of the analysis of temperatures and temperature deformations are presented.
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