Investigation of the Possibilities of Using Soybean Oil as an Ecological Additive to Petroleum Diesel Fuel
Authors: Devyanin S.N., Markov V.A., Levshin A.G., Kobozeva T.P., Neverov V.A. | Published: 26.12.2021 |
Published in issue: #1(742)/2022 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Vacuum and Compressor Technology and Pneumatic Systems | |
Keywords: diesel engine, petroleum diesel fuel, soybean oil, mixed fuel, ecological additive, exhaust gas toxicity |
One of the most important areas of internal combustion engine improvement is its adaptation to work on alternative fuels. Motor fuels obtained from renewable plant raw materials are considered to be promising alternative fuels. The article considers the possibility of using soybean oil as an ecological additive in petroleum diesel fuel. The features of soybean oil production and the physico-chemical properties of soybean oil and a mixture containing 80 % (by volume) of petroleum diesel fuel and 20 % of soybean oil are researched. Computational studies of the processes of fuel atomization and mixture formation in the D-245 diesel engine operating on mixtures of petroleum diesel fuel and seed oil have been performed. Experimental studies of the D-245 diesel engine operating on petroleum diesel fuel and the specified blended fuel have been carried out. Conversion of a diesel engine from petroleum fuel to mixed one leads to a decrease in integral emissions per test cycle: nitrogen oxides by 19.1 %, carbon monoxide — by 10.5 %, unburned hydrocarbons - by 8.9 %.
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