Statistical Mathematical Model for Calculating the Efficiency of Turbo-Expander Compressors: Improvement and Identification
Authors: Galerkin Y.B., Rekstin A.F., Solovyeva O.A., Drozdov A.A., Semenovskiy V.B. | Published: 07.07.2022 |
Published in issue: #7(748)/2022 | |
Category: Energy and Electrical Engineering | Chapter: Vacuum and Compressor Technology and Pneumatic Systems | |
Keywords: centrifugal compressor, turbo-expanding unit, mathematical model, efficiency, inlet nozzle |
Despite their small size turbo expander units used for transportation and processing oil and gas have a capacity of up to 5.5 MW. Designing new turbo-expander units includes several stages, one of which is the variant calculation of the compressor for the given parameters. For calculating the efficiency of the compressor by its main parameters a specialized statistical model is used. The efficiency of stages designed according to a single unambiguous methodology depends on the design parameters and similarity criteria. The generalization of experience in designing turbo-expander units allowed improving the statistical mathematical model used in the Universal Modeling Method, taking into account the specifics of compressors. The new version of the mathematical model correctly takes account of losses in the inlet nozzle, the method of manufacturing the impeller, the diffuser type, etc. The resulting mathematical model includes 22 empirical coefficients. To select the correct values of the coefficients, the results of 26 acceptance tests of turbo-expander compressors were used. The error of the new statistical model with the selected of empirical coefficient values was 1.8%, which is sufficient for its practical application in project activities.
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