Influence of flat plate heating (cooling) on the structure of the boundary layer in a high temperature flow
Authors: Sidorov A.A., Kiselev S.V. | Published: 06.05.2015 |
Published in issue: #5(662)/2015 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: ultrahigh temperature, steam turbine, turbine blade, plate, boundary layer, numerical experiment |
Securing reliability of a turbine plant and its individual components is an important step in the design process. Much attention is paid to ensuring the vibrational reliability of the turbine blades. The vibration is caused by the heterogeneity of the flow created by the aerodynamic traces behind the nozzle blades. If the dynamic stresses are high, the blades may break. However, currently there no research that would substantiate the influence of ultrahigh initial temperatures on the intensity of the aerodynamic traces. The boundary layer of the plate in a high temperature flow has been studied; and the relationships between the parameters in this layer have been defined. The research consists of two parts. In the first part the model plate is not cooled, in the second part it is. The numerical experiment was conducted in the SolidWorks software environment using the FlowWorks module. Taking into consideration the specifics of the near-wall flows, the results obtained were validated using the STAR-CCM program. The calculations have shown that the variation of the initial temperature, and the addition of the plate cooling element highly influence the parameters of the boundary layer. The research results can be used to design ultrahigh temperature steam turbine with cooled blades.
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