A calculation study of an automobile engine equipped with an electromechanical transmission and power battery
Authors: Gusakov S.V., Akhmadnia M., Markov V.A. | Published: 06.05.2015 |
Published in issue: #5(662)/2015 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: power assembly, internal combustion engine, electromechanical transmission, power accumulator, drive cycle, power control |
The multi-mode operation of an internal combustion engine is noted in the paper and the necessity to control the power of a vehicle engine in urban conditions is pointed out. Specific features related to the power control of a vehicle with an electromechanical transmission are considered. Modern driving cycles are presented, such as the New European Driving Cycle NEDC, US Federal Test Procedure FTP-75 and Japanese Driving Cycle JC08. A program of calculation is developed for the comparative analysis of the power balance of a vehicle with mechanical and electromechanical transmissions; and the analysis of the power balance is performed. The operating fuel consumption (integral fuel consumption per test cycle) is used as an objective function for the power assembly performance optimization. The calculations have shown that when the 5-speed gearbox is replaced by an electromechanical transmission and the engine runs idle without being switched off, the fuel consumption is reduced as follows: from 566,3 to 487,3 g/cycle (by 79,0 g/cycle or 14,0%) in the NEDC cycle, from 763,2 to 597,4 g/cycle (by 165,8 g/cycle or 21,7%) in the FTP-75 cycle, from 380,2 to 266,7 g/cycle (by 113,5 g/cycle or 29,9%) in the JC08 cycle. It is shown that the start-stop mode where instead of running idle, the internal combustion engine shuts down, is appropriate for use. The study has confirmed the efficiency of the electromechanical transmission and power battery in the vehicle power assemblies and the possibility of power control optimization in the engines equipped with such transmissions.
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