Design Features of the Power Turbine Stage of the Transport Gas Turbine Engine with Variable-Area Nozzles
Authors: Troitskiy N.I., Molyakov V.D., Aseikina M.V. | Published: 04.03.2016 |
Published in issue: #3(672)/2016 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: design law, gas turbine, turbine stage, variable nozzle assembly, profiling law, reaction degree, losses |
In this article the authors study the influence of the profiling law on the flow parameters in root and peripheral cross sections of blade rows with variable-area nozzles in a transport gas turbine engine. The calculations of the flow parameters are performed following a procedure that takes into account the curvature of the flow meridional lines and the losses in the turbine stage. It is shown that in the stages designed with the application of the Rztg??1 = const law, when the reaction degree in mid-diameter is constant, the reaction degree in root cross sections increases with the increase of the exponent z. It leads to higher efficiency of the turbine when it is operated in part-load modes. The requirements to parameters of the variable-area nozzle airfoil cascade with regard to the turbine braking modes are considered.
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