Optimization of the Composition of Oil Diesel Fuels with Plant Oils
Authors: Markov V.A., Devyanin S.N., Kaskov S.I. | Published: 30.06.2016 |
Published in issue: #7(676)/2016 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: diesel engine, oil diesel fuel, alternative fuel, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, biofuel mixture, optimization |
This article is necessitated by the need to increase the use of alternative motor fuels to solve the deteriorating environmental issues. The advantages and drawbacks of using alternative diesel fuels obtained from renewable sources such as plant oils, are analyzed in this article. The use of alternative plant-based motor fuels can not only provide a replacement for oil motor fuels but also reduce emission of harmful substances present in exhaust diesel fumes. The viability of mixed biofuels (mixtures of oil diesel fuels and plant oils) are shown. A study aimed at optimizing the composition of such biofuels is carried out. Oil diesel fuel mixtures with rapeseed and sunflower oils are considered. The method of optimization of the mixture composition is proposed, which is based on determining a unified criterion of optimization calculated as the sum of partial criteria that describe the concentration of nitrogen oxides and carbon soot (smoke opacity) in the exhaust fumes. Optimization calculations of the biofuel composition for the D-245.12S type diesel are performed. It is shown that with the increase of the rapeseed and sunflower oil content in the oil diesel fuel mixture, the toxicity parameters of the exhaust fumes are improved, and even a small addition of the plant oil to the oil diesel fuel significantly improves these parameters in the studied diesel engine.
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