Simulation Technique of Nonstationary High-frequency Temperature State of Piston of Internal Combustion Engine
Authors: Marchenko A.P., Pylyov V.V. | Published: 19.09.2013 |
Published in issue: #5(638)/2013 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: internal combustion engine, combustion chamber, partially-dynamic heat insulation, piston, nonstationary high-frequency temperature state |
The combustion chamber surface coatings with low heat-conductivity are a promising means of improving of internal combustion engine quality indexes. However simulation of nonstationary high-frequency temperature state of the combust ion chamber components in the presence of the partially-dynamic heat insulation effect is impeded by a significant amount of computation. The article contains: (a) the method of simulation based on dividing the sought temperature f ield into zones wi th di s s imi lar heat-conduct ivi ty problem statement , (b) the calculated temperature oscillations of the piston surface with the ceramics coating, (c) the obtained dynamic part of the heat-insulating effect. Applying of the presented technique makes possible the engine workflow simulation improvement.
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