All-terrain vehicles with elastic screw propellers
Authors: Byakov K.E., Chan Ki An, Sorokin F.D., Mashkov K.Y. | Published: 07.05.2014 |
Published in issue: #5(650)/2014 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: all-terrain vehicle, rotary-screw propeller, lattice shell, unsymmetrical laying of yarns. |
The development of Russian Polar Regions is hindered by a harsh climate and the almost total lack of routes of communication. Under these conditions, an urgent task is to create off-road all-terrain vehicles possessing a sufficient mobility. The paper analyzes several types of all-terrain chassis tested in the world practice of designing propellers including rotary-screw propellers with rigid covers. Using innovative technologies in elastomechanics, a construction of the air-supported propeller of an all-terrain vehicle is proposed. The construction comprises rotary-screw chassis with a flexible shell and makes it possible to control operating parameters of the screws depending on the motion regimes. A method of calculation and construction of equilibrium lattice shell profiles by unsymmetrical laying of yarns is proposed. The method makes it possible to assess the performance of the proposed air-supported propeller. The results of research demonstrate the possibility of using the elastic rotary-screw propeller for moving on the snow and hydromorphic and liquid soils with elevated dynamic and traction parameters.
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