Technical aspects of designing a spacecraft for transporting radioactive waste
Authors: Onufriev A.V., Dmitriev S.N., Onufriev V.V. | Published: 01.08.2014 |
Published in issue: #8(653)/2014 | |
Category: Transportation and Power Engineering | |
Keywords: spacecraft, nuclear waste, configuration, ballistic design, mass analysis, design arrangement, load bearing structure, finite element model, self-delivery |
The topic of research is relevant due to the lack of intensive design studies of advanced spacecrafts using nuclear waste as the primary source of energy when delivering radioactive waste into space. This paper examines the problem of nuclear waste disposal in outer space To find an optimal solution to this problem, it is necessary to discuss engineering aspects of implementing this form of transportation. An approach proposed in this paper implies the development of a new system of multi-level design of a spacecraft for transporting nuclear waste. This approach comprises external design, developing spacecraft configuration, interior design, and solving technical problems. An original multi-level design system has been developed to analyze the configuration of the spacecraft powered by nuclear waste and its individual units taking into account operational modes, acting loads, materials used, etc. This system is supplemented by a united electronic model that combines the internal and external design of the spacecraft with due regard for the operational modes of its units. This approach will make it possible to formulate requirements imposed on the spacecraft structure, mass, size, electric propulsion system, and thermal states of its components and devices. This is very important because such parameters determine the spacecraft strength and dynamic characteristics that influence its configuration, arrangement of structural elements, and load bearing capacity. The results of research will be useful to designers of future spacecrafts with powerful nuclear propulsion systems and apparatuses for transporting nuclear waste into deep space.
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