Experimental study of the contact interaction relaxation between fuel elements and spacer grid cells
Authors: Gusev M.P., Danilov V.L. | Published: 20.10.2014 |
Published in issue: #10(655)/2014 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: fuel element, spacer grid, contact interaction relaxation, fuel assembly |
Fuel elements and spacer grids are parts of the fuel assembly in nuclear reactors. The fuel elements are inserted in spacer grid cells with interference. During the operation of a nuclear reactor, the contact forces between the fuel rods and spacer grid cells decrease, which leads to the slippage of fuel rods in the cells, and this in turn reduces the rigidity of the fuel assembly. Since the contact interaction relaxation process is not currently fully understood, the assembly deformation cannot be adequately analyzed during the reactor operation. This article presents the results of experimental studies of the contact interaction relaxation of the fuel elements in spacer grid cells. The experiments showed that the contact force relaxation in a fuel element – spacer grid cell pair is significant and depends on its temperature and initial interference.
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