Deformation of working elements of dry scroll vacuum pumps
Authors: Raykov A.A., Yakupov R.R., Burmistrov A.V., Salikeev S.I. | Published: 12.01.2015 |
Published in issue: #1(658)/2015 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: friction system, amplitude and phase response, prediction, physical and mathematical modeling |
The reliability and efficiency of mechanical systems largely depend on the reliability and efficiency of friction joints. In turn, the reliability and efficiency of friction joints is determined by the interaction of dynamic processes in friction and mechanical subsystems. However, these issues are not considered in the scientific literature, and there is no description of standard methods and techniques to assess the interference of dynamic processes in mobile friction systems. Unlike theoretical and experimental data available in the literature, this paper states that the interaction of dynamic processes in mechanical subsystems and friction contacts must be taken into account when conducting laboratory and bench tests of mechanical systems with friction joints. The proposed approach implies that identical operating conditions for the full-scale and physical models of the tribocontact, identical parameters of the macro- and microroughness of contacting surfaces, identical natural frequencies and modes of vibration, and identical physical and mechanical properties of the friction contact can be provided by recording the amplitude and phase response and a number of indirect integral dissipative parameters in the specified octave (fractional octave) band. To estimate the tribosystem stability, the complex transmission coefficient is calculated on the basis of the analysis of oscillations normal and tangential to the friction contact surface. One of the most efficient ways to study nonlinear friction systems is physical and mathematical modeling. In this case, a quasi-linear subsystem is described by a system of differential equations used to construct an equivalent model of the mechanical subsystem. The friction processes are described by criteria equations. The proposed criteria equations are used to formulate conditions of the physical experiment to ensure accurate results corresponding to natural conditions. The proposed methods, techniques, and principles improve the validity of studies of nonlinear systems and form the theoretical basis for the dynamic monitoring and optimization of mechanical systems with friction joints.
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