Comparative analysis of power schemes of wave stepper pneumatic motors and slider-crank mechanisms used as actuators in piston engines
Authors: Klenikov S.S., Klenikova V.A. | Published: 02.02.2015 |
Published in issue: #2(659)/2015 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: wave stepper pneumatic motor, piston, shaft, flexible wheel, rigid wheel, slider crank mechanism, multiplier |
The advantages and disadvantages of power schemes of wave stepper pneumatic motors and slider-crank mechanisms used as actuators in piston engines are compared and analyzed. It has been found that the main drawback of the wave stepper pneumatic motor is its slow output shaft speed. This drawback can be rectified by using new designs of patented air control valves, which can significantly increase the speed of the deformation wave of the flexible wheel at a low angular rate of the input camshaft; applying the cycloidal wave gearing of flexible and rigid wheels, which can reduce two or three times the gear ratio; and introducing a single-row multiplier in the kinematic chain of the wave stepper pneumatic motor, which can increase the output shaft speed. The high-speed self-balanced wave stepper pneumatic motor is highly efficient in terms of its strength and bearing capacity and can be used as an actuator in piston engines.
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