Control Power Calculation for Teeth of the Planetary Stage of a Gear Drive Using ANSYS Software Package
Authors: Karatushin S.I., Pleschanova Y.A., Bildyuk N.A., Bokuchava P.N. | Published: 04.12.2015 |
Published in issue: #12(669)/2015 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: carburization, residual stresses, power calculation, planetary gear, flexural strength, contact strength, ANSYS |
Power calculation of a planetary gear drive using ANSYS provides a detailed picture of the stress-stain state of all the engaged elements. The software allows the calculation to be considered from different viewpoints other than those offered by the classical method. The basic principle is that carburized teeth are structural elements with residual stresses, whose physical properties are determined by the material structure and geometry of the object. The residual stresses are added to the external load stresses. When performing the calculation, the teeth are considered to be bimetallic, that is having a carburized layer made of high strength material sensitive to stress concentrators, and a core made of medium strength material with low sensitivity to stress concentrators. The carburized layer is separated from the main part of the tooth by a zone of tensile stresses with no interface in between. Under the action of external loads, a weak point is formed at the foot of the tooth with the highest tensile stresses, which determine the allowable stresses at bending, depending on the strength of the carburized steel. The allowable contact load is estimated by shear stresses in the contact zone calculated as flexural endurance. The depth of the shear stress peak determines the minimum thickness of the carburization. The analysis of the stress-strain state of the planetary gear drive showed a significantly lower level of stresses in the helical gear. The prevailing stress state also changes in the contact wheels. The teeth of the satellites in both types of planetary gear drives are not loaded in a symmetrical cycle. For wheels with internal gearing, it is possible to use aluminum alloys as they satisfy the strength conditions.
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