Transfer of Metal on the Silicon Carbide Surface when Micro-Cutting Titanium and Zirconium
Authors: Nosenko V.A., Avilov A.V., Nosenko V.A., Bakhmat V.I., Bykov Y.M. | Published: 30.06.2016 |
Published in issue: #7(676)/2016 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: micro-cutting, titanium, zirconium, silicon carbide, surface morphology, metal transfer |
The main reason for poor grindability of titanium and zirconium alloys is the high adhesive activity of the metals that form the basis of the alloys. Contact interaction of titanium and zirconium with silicon carbide is studied when modeling the process of micro-cutting by specially prepared crystals. The condition of the surface and the surface boundary layer of the silicon carbide and the adhered metal is investigated using Versa 3D, a scanning electron microscope with magnification from 1,000 to 100,000 times. The concentration of metal on the crystal surface is determined by local micro X-ray analysis. Specific aspects of carbide silicon wear at different speeds and depths of micro-cutting are considered. It is shown that when titanium and zirconium are micro cut by a silicon carbide crystal, intense metal adhesion to the top of the crystal occurs. The average metal concentrations on the surface of the silicon carbide wear pad at the micro-cutting speed of 35 m/sec differ insignificantly. With the increase of the speed to 60 m/sec, the transfer of titanium and zirconium to silicon carbide increases, and the transfer of titanium increases to a greater degree. It has been established that chipping of micro volumes of the crystal is the main type of silicon carbide wear when micro-cutting titanium and zirconium.
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