The Determination of Rational Application of Axial, Centripetal and Centrifugal Ultralow Power Turbines by their Generalized Characteristics
Authors: Kalabukhov D.S. | Published: 07.09.2016 |
Published in issue: #9(678)/2016 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: ultralow power turbine, operating parameters, generalized characteristic, coefficient of circumferential efficiency, coefficient of power efficiency, axial turbine, centripetal turbine, centrifugal turbine |
Improving the efficiency of ultralow power turbines that are used as energy sources in main and auxiliary units in transport and industrial systems is an important task. The common way to improve efficiency is to optimize operating and geometrical parameters of the turbines. However, due to a large variety of circuit solutions, designers face a problem of choosing a rational variant of the turbine with specific combinations of input data and calculated parameters. This problem has not been sufficiently studied in the literature, hence the proposed comparative analysis of efficiency of the most common types of turbines, namely single-stage axial turbines, and centripetal and centrifugal radial turbines. The comparison is based on the statistical analysis of the collected experimental findings that take into account the latest data about power efficiency of ultralow power turbines. Using the proposed analysis, it was possible to plot generalized characteristics of the turbines as dependencies of power efficiency on the loading parameter of the turbine. The generalized characteristics allow for a possible range of values of the coefficient of efficiency, due to the influence of the geometrical and operational parameters on the efficiency of the working process. The calculations and experiments have justified the use of any type of turbine in the operation modes with regards to the loading parameter Yт. The prospects of further improvement of the efficiency of these turbines, especially the axial ones, are noted. The advantages of two-stage circuits over single-stage circuits are shown. It has been concluded that it is feasible to further research and apply two-stage axial, centrifugal, and axial-centrifugal ultralow power turbines as part of a turbine assembly.
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