Frequency Methods for Calibrating Leak Detectors
Authors: Makarov V.A., Asadova Y.S., Tyutyaev R.E. | Published: 12.10.2016 |
Published in issue: #10(679)/2016 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: calibration, gas-analytical leak detector, manometric leak detector, leakage testing, throttling device |
The increasing requirements for quality and reliability of manufactured goods is an important issue in many industries. This necessitates the upgrade of existing equipment and the development of new devices and methods of control including those for leakage testing. Calibration methods for gas-analytical and manometric leakage testing devices are reviewed. These methods are based on the transfer of a certain number of molecules from the measuring chamber that is being tested for leaks, to the discharge chamber through a throttling device called frequency resistor. The proposed frequency method increases the stability of test gas flows when the gas-analytical leak detector is calibrated by eliminating the impact of changes in barometric pressure, ambient temperature and mechanical impurities in the test gas. The dynamic error of calibration is determined when the calibration chamber is being filled and emptied. The calibration schemes for the gas-analytical leak detector and the manometric leak testing device are presented.
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