The Comparative Analysis and Synthesis of Methods for Correction of Thermal Deformations in Machine Tools
Authors: Yagopolskiy A.G., Vinnikov D.A. | Published: 27.01.2017 |
Published in issue: #1(682)/2017 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: machine tool, working unit, correction method, thermal deformation, actuating mechanism, machining inaccuracy, comparative analysis |
This article provides an overview and analysis of the methods for correcting thermal deformations arising in the process of machine tool operation. These deformations lead to a change in the relative position of the tool and workpiece and reduce the machining accuracy and the reliability of the machine tool. The authors describe some of the methods for correcting thermal deformations that are widely used in machine building, explain their application principles and perform their comparative analysis. It is shown that all the existing methods of correcting thermal deformations have advantages and disadvantages, different reliability of the results and limitations with regards to the application principles. The choice of the method depends on the cost, reliability, machining accuracy requirements and other factors. As a result, each of the described methods for correcting thermal deformations has its own area of application where it can be used with maximum efficiency.
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