The Determination of Anisotropy Coefficients when Replacing the Actual Structure by a Structurally Anisotropic Solid Model
Authors: Korotkaya O.V. | Published: 18.04.2017 |
Published in issue: #4(685)/2017 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: substructure method, cyclic symmetric sector, combustion chamber of a liquid-propellant rocket engine, cooling ducts, anisotropy coefficients, Young’s moduli |
The algorithm of the anisotropy coefficients determination for a structurally anisotropic solid model is proposed in this paper. The necessity of modeling a structure using a simplified axisymmetric structurally anisotropic shell arose when developing the methodology of the thermal-stress analysis of a combustion chamber for an innovative liquid-propellant rocket engine on the basis of the substructure method. The macro for the ANSYS finite element software was developed to solve this problem. The results of the calculation of the anisotropy coefficients for the combustion chamber of the 11D58MF liquid-propellant rocket engine using the developed macro are shown. In tests, the results of the calculation of a representative element of the structurally anisotropic solid model using the obtained anisotropy coefficients showed a high correlation with the results for a representative element of the actual structure.
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