Uncompensated Transformation of Matter from Liquid to Solid State During Solidification of Metals and Alloys
Authors: Semenov V.I. | Published: 06.09.2017 |
Published in issue: #9(690)/2017 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: solidification metal and alloy, equilibrium co-existence of phases, transformation order, metastable melt structure, irreversible process, chemical potential |
The initial abstraction from specific physical and chemical conditions corresponding to solidification of metals and alloys allowed the authors to propose a general thermodynamic principle of accounting for changes in the values that define the energy content and are fundamental to any energy-saving system in a random variable non-equilibrium situation. From this perspective, it became possible to regard the solidification process — a phase transition of the first kind — as irreversible. While evolving in non-equilibrium conditions, the process is forced to efficiently utilize the available stored energy and build its behavior in such a way as to be maximally effective during uncompensated transformation of the matter from liquid to solid phase. This view of the complex and variable structure of the metastable melt allows the author to draw a conclusion that it is possible to control the process of obtaining materials that are in highly non-equilibrium conditions.
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