Research into the Influence of Design and Technological Parameters on the Strength-to-Weight Ratio of Porous Net Materials
Authors: Tretyakov A.F. | Published: 19.12.2017 |
Published in issue: #12(693)/2017 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: porous net materials, metal mesh, pressure welding, strength-to-weight ratio, porosity, density |
The article presents calculated dependencies to evaluate the influence of mechanical properties and density of mesh wires, their geometry, relative positions and technological parameters of welding on the strength-to-weight ratio when manufacturing porous net materials. It is shown that the porosity of such materials is determined by the design of the briquette and its reduction rate in the process of pressure welding of mesh wires. It is established that mesh lengthening has an influence on the properties of materials with porosity of less than 0.1. The analysis of the obtained dependencies and calculation results has shown that porous net materials with parallel layout of filter mesh along the fillers (y-axis) have a higher strength-to-weight ratio, while those along the base (x-axis) have the minimum value. The strength-to-weight ratio of the materials with square mesh does not depend on the reduction rate of the briquettes but is determined only by the properties of the wire material and the geometrical parameters of the mesh. It is shown that an increase in the strength-to-weight of such materials with porosity of less than 0.2 occurs due to the formation of inter-filler welded joints in the plane perpendicular to the direction of the stretching force.
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