The Bauschinger Effect for Various Types of Plastic Deformation
Authors: Karatushin S.I., Khramova D.A., Pekhov V.A. | Published: 19.12.2017 |
Published in issue: #12(693)/2017 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: Bauschinger effect, cyclic loading, tension, torsion, bending |
This article examines the influence of the type of deformation on the Bauschinger effect under cyclic loading, using the example of steel in grade 40 after quenching and high-temperature tempering. In this state, steel has sufficient plasticity to study the behavior of the material in a large range of degrees of deformation. The cyclic deformation was performed as tension-compression, bending-rectification, reversible torsion and one-sided torsion. The Bauschinger effect and hardening depending on the accumulated degree of deformation and intermediate heat treatment in the form of low-temperature annealing (300 °С — return) was studied. As a result, it was established that the Bauschinger effect manifested itself only when the steel was deformed by stretching and bending. Hardenability of steel depends mainly on the accumulated degree of deformation and virtually does not depend on reversibility. Heat treatment even after the first cycle eliminates the Bauschinger effect when bending, between the cycles, and contributes to a significant strengthening effect, especially with shear deformation. The yield point becomes equal to the strength limit.
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