Optimization of assembling electronic modules from heterogeneous multiproduct manufacturing components in the robotic flexible automated assembly complex
Authors: Ivanov Y.V. | Published: 30.05.2014 |
Published in issue: #6(651)/2014 | |
Category: Technology and Process Machines | |
Keywords: production operation, electronic module, parameter optimization, structural optimization, efficiency, synthesis |
A comprehensive approach to assessing design outcomes is proposed. The approach takes into account the diversity of components, their accuracy, reliability, efficiency, and cost, the structural and parametric optimization, as well as the principles of choosing a single or multi-component equipment type. An optimization technique for assembling electronic modules from heterogeneous components in multiproduct manufacturing using the robotic flexible automated assembly complex (FAAC) is presented. The computer-aided design and optimization of operations is performed on the models obtained during the FAAC development. The proposed technique is based on the comprehensive approach. Two types of optimization are used: the structural optimization that implies maximum integration and the parametric optimization that implies the optimal sequence of assembling components. The technique involves the synthesis of optimal operations, the comprehensive assessment of their accuracy, reliability and production costs, the comparison with required tolerances and rejection of inefficient options, determining the efficiency of tested operations, choosing the optimal option (by the integrated efficiency criterion), and the formation of models of optimal operations.
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