Determination of internal stresses arising in the structural elements heat-protective coating of the propulsion system at alterations in the ambient temperature
Authors: Ushakova E.S., Tuponogov V.G. | Published: 14.09.2024 |
Published in issue: #9(774)/2024 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Processes in Aircraft | |
Keywords: solid fuel rocket engine, heat-protective coating, thermal cycling, numerical simulation, stress-strain state |
The heat-protective coating configuration of the solid fuel rocket engine design elements is selected at its development stage based on the requirement to ensure system operability in the most heat-stressed operation modes. However, internal stresses arise in the heat-protective coating during the propulsion system transportation and storage due to different temperatures on the surface and inside the system, which could lead to cracks in the coating with subsequent wall burnout during the engine operation. The paper proposes a technique to determine internal stresses at alteration in the ambient temperature using numerical simulation as a supplement to design computation at the system development stage. The proposed technique was tested using experimental data for the combustion chamber rear bottom. Temperature fields were computed, and areas with maximum values ??of the internal stresses that could lead to the coating destruction were identified. The paper presents design and technological methods to reduce the resulting internal stresses. It formulates possible ways of clarifying the data obtained as a result of tests and by computation using this mathematical model.
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