Study of combustion processes using a bench on board the International Space Station
Authors: Pichugin S.B. | Published: 14.11.2024 |
Published in issue: #11(776)/2024 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | Chapter: Aircraft Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: liquids and gases combustion, combustion processes, research bench, International Space Station |
The paper considers a bench on board the International Space Station in studying combustion processes, its design features, and results of experiments and target work conducted on it and related to analyzing combustion processes in zero gravity and microgravity. It presents results of a research, where liquid, gaseous, and solid fuels combustion was studied. Roscosmos cosmonauts and Russian research institutions participated in the research. The paper shows capabilities of the bench in providing the automated research process maintaining control over the atmosphere composition, pressure and other parameters in the experimental chamber, as well as those of the measurement and registration equipment. Advantages and disadvantages revealed during the bench operation on board the Station are identified. Ways to improve the research technical base are outlined. The paper notes efforts of the Russian crew and Russian scientists in ensuring research within the framework of the joint Russian-American scientific program.
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