Information Stability of an Automated Flight Control System for Spacecraft as an Integrated Property Defining its Quality
Authors: Andreev А.G., Kazakov G.V., Koryanov V.V. | Published: 12.10.2016 |
Published in issue: #10(679)/2016 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | |
Keywords: automated control system, restorability, information security, quality, space vehicle, operating and technical level, stability |
In modern science the term «stability» is used more widely than in the classical theory of stability of dynamic systems. The specific type of stability based on the catastrophe theory is connected with the definition given by V.I. Arnold; when during smooth change of conditions, there is a sharp negative change in the condition of the critical application system, which the automated spacecraft flight control system belongs to. For this system such a situation can occur if the spacecraft flight data is unrealizable to perform spacecraft tasks. Information stability is the integrated property that includes such key properties of the spacecraft as the quality of flight data preparation process, flight data information security, and restorability of the flight data preparation process when there are risk factors that may disrupt its continuity. The quality of the flight data preparation process is evaluated by the indicator of the operation-technical level of the automated system, while the information security of the flight data is evaluated by the residual risk value. The purpose of evaluating the information security is to design such a structure of the automated control system, its implementation and protection, that would guarantee the minimum time for each stage of the flight data preparation process, for the system operating in any function mode.
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