The Methods of Designing a Polymer Composite Wing Using Parametrical Modeling. Part II. Design of the Load Bearing Structure
Authors: Mikhailovskiy K.V., Baranovski S.V. | Published: 16.12.2016 |
Published in issue: #12(681)/2016 | |
Category: Aviation, Rocket and Technology | |
Keywords: passenger jet, wing, polymer composite materials, structural arrangement, stringer, rib, longeron |
Design of a polymer composite wing is a complex research and engineering challenge when designing an airliner. It requires considerable time and financial expenditure. Therefore, availability of universal methods that can reduce the duration and increase the informational content of the design stages, can considerably accelerate the design process. In this work, the second part of the results of modeling using the proposed methods is presented. It contains the justification of the structural arrangement on the basis of parametrical calculations of 90 geometrical models of a wing made of polymer composite materials, with the choice of a form and materials of the load bearing element of the panel. Rational geometrical parameters of the arrangement of the load bearing elements of the structure are determined, including the step and the direction for installation of ribs, stringers, longerons that provide the largest strength safety margin. The form and the material of a stringer are justified on the basis of the performed calculations.
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