Determining the lateral forces acting on the running wheels of bridge cranes
Authors: Spitcina D.N., Yurin A.N. | Published: 02.02.2015 |
Published in issue: #2(659)/2015 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: lateral forces, running wheels, dynamic model, crane way |
The lifetime of the running wheels of bridge cranes depends on lateral forces that are determined by numerous factors. Up to the present day, reduced dynamic models of cranes have been used to study lateral forces without taking into account elastic deformations of the bridge. In this study, a three-mass dynamic model taking into account all elastic deformations of the bridge crane is considered. The maximum values of lateral forces determined by this dynamic model are compared with the corresponding values obtained by using two single-mass dynamic models. It has been found that in the case of ideal crane ways all dynamic models provide similar maximum values of lateral forces. If the crane ways are not straightforward, the lateral forces increase two or three times. In this regard, the dynamic models considering ideal crane ways cannot be used to determine the lateral forces. The maximum values of lateral forces calculated by the single-mass and three-mass models taking into account any random inequalities of crane ways differ slightly. Therefore, the studies performed earlier by the single-mass dynamic model taking into account crane way inequalities provided correct results. The use of simple dynamic models is advisable.
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