Analysis of meshing interference in a loaded harmonic drive
Authors: Lyuminarsky S.E., Lyuminarsky I.E. | Published: 17.04.2015 |
Published in issue: #4(661)/2015 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: harmonic drive, flex spline, circular spline, meshing interference, accuracy |
When designing harmonic drives it is important to avoid meshing interference of the flex spline and the circular spline. If the interference is significant, then the teeth of the flex and circular splines bear against the top lands of each other when the wave generator turns. At the same time, the rigid gear stretches and the wave generator contracts. As the result of these deformations at large meshing interference, the wave generator skips. First, the teeth bear against the top lands of each other and, as the wave generator turns further, come off and catch the side surfaces. The operation of the harmonic drive under such conditions is unacceptable as it leads to the increased dynamic loads and the wear of the top lands. The wear debris can clog the lubricant and cause damage to the flexible bearing. The article describes a method for determining the maximum torque M*c when meshing interference is absent. The results of the theoretical research into the influence of various geometrical parameters onto the specified torque M*c are presented. The relationship between the accuracy of the harmonic drive parts and the meshing interference is analyzed. The results presented in the article broaden knowledge about meshing interference in harmonic drives. ndif]-->. Исследовано влияние квалитета точности деталей рассматриваемой ВЗП на интерференцию зубьев. Результаты исследования расширяют знания об интерференции зубьев в ВЗП.
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