The Study of Lateral Forces Acting on Multi-Wheel Bridge Cranes with Crane Way Inequalities
Authors: Spitcina D.N., Yurin A.N. | Published: 09.06.2016 |
Published in issue: #6(675)/2016 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: multi-wheel bridge crane, lateral forces, running wheels, flange, rail, rail track |
The proposed method determines the lateral forces that affect running multi-wheel bridge cranes. It can be used to estimate the influence of any inequality of crane ways. The dynamic crane model used in the calculations takes into account linear and angular suppleness of the crane bridge and balancers under the effect of lateral forces, as well as the mounting angles of misalignment of the running wheels’ axis. The crane ways are assumed to be malleable and having random deviations from the linear law. The calculation results for an eight-wheel bridge crane are given. It is shown that the lateral forces increase due to the impact that occurs when the running wheel flanges run over the rails, and when the crane way gauge changes. The change in the initial gaps between the flanges and the rails due to the misalignment of the end beams of the bridge or wear of the flanges affects only the lateral forces occurring at the moment when the flanges run over the rails. The largest lateral forces occur when the crane way gauge narrows suddenly. When the gauge change is the same, the values of the lateral forces vary significantly depending on the deviation from the straightness for each rail.
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