Modelling the Processes of Leak Detection
Authors: Makarov V.A., Makarov A.V., Korolev F.A. | Published: 23.11.2017 |
Published in issue: #11(692)/2017 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: degree of leak resistance, leak detection process, gas outflow process, linear circuits method, Wiener–Volterra model |
The article presents two concepts of a formalized description of the outflow of gases due to manufacturing defects during tightness control: a model of internal description based on parameters of the circuit theory; and a mathematical model of external description that uses functional expansions obtained through experimental research. The latter model is realized using the software that includes a basic management program that connects the object of the research with formation of the test signals and processing of the output functions. It also incorporates a basic software package for identification and mathematical modeling of a system for calculating Wiener kernels using input data obtained through the experiment, and for verifying the degree of conformity of the resulting model in the state space. A dynamic model of the outflow of gases through flaws in products is presented using the Wiener-Voltaire equations. The proposed method of studying the outflow of gases consists of a formalized representation of a simulation object whose input point is subjected to an external action, while other parameters vary constantly. A test signal in the form of white Gaussian noise, containing components of any frequency and amplitude following a normal distribution is used as an external action. The experimental data are compared with the results of theoretical calculations based on the molecular model of the outflow process.
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