Mathematical Model and Computational Research of Combustion Chamber Wall Thermal State for Gaseous-Propellant Oxygen-Methane Low-Thrust Rocket Engine on a Pulse Mode
Authors: Vorozheeva O.A., Yagodnikov D.A. | Published: 19.09.2013 |
Published in issue: #7(640)/2013 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: low-thrust rocket engine, gaseous oxygen and methane, combust ion chamber, mathematical modeling, pulse mode, thermal state |
The mathematical modeling of the combustion chamber wall thermal state of gaseous-propellant oxygen-methane low-thrust rocket engine on a pulse mode is described in this paper. The objective of this modeling is to reduce the extent of f iring tests which are essent ial for engine development. The 2D axisymmetric transient heat conduction mathematical model which considers heat axial flow-over and unsteady processes inside a combustion chamber is proposed. A temperature fields spread in the combustion chamber wal l of low-thrus t rocket engine throughout its firing time is obtained. During the test calculations the heat distribution in the vital zones (near injector head and nozzle throat) of the combustion chamber wall is computed. Various operating conditions influence on the thermal state of the combustion chamber wall of a model low-thrust rocket engine (produced from copper and steel) is explored. An engine tendency to heat storage on pulse mode is confirmed.
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