Backlash-free teeth engagement in the development and selective assembly of wave gears
Authors: Timofeev G.A. | Published: 30.05.2014 |
Published in issue: #6(651)/2014 | |
Category: Calculation and Design of Machinery | |
Keywords: electromechanical actuator, wave gears, kinematic error, backlash-free teeth engagement |
Wave gears provide transformation of motion with minimum kinematic errors of slave units at high gear ratios and are the most promising mechanisms used in electromechanical actuators of control systems. To reduce the kinematic error in a wave gear that causes nonlinear distortions of the output drive signal, a method for improving the sizes of units and gear wheels was first developed along with their selective assembly. This makes it possible to get backlash-free teeth engagement with minimum kinematic errors and high torsional rigidity. The proposed method is verified experimentally.
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