Method of calculating the fatigue life of parts under the non-regular loading in the presence of surface residual stresses
Authors: Petukhov D.S., Dudin D.S., Keller I.E. | Published: 17.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #1(778)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Solid Mechanics | |
Keywords: low-cycle fatigue, irregular loading, fatigue life, surface residual stresses, evolutionary model, computation methodology |
Machining the aircraft engine critical parts ensures formation of the surface residual compressive stresses and increasing service life under the low-cycle fatigue, and it is used in practice for a long time. However, questions remain open regarding the computation methodology to assess fatigue strength in such situations. The problem of correct accounting for the surface residual compressive stresses is debatable. It is preferable to use the data on fatigue testing with the machined samples that have the same surface residual compressive stresses and strength characteristics as the part under study, but the methodology for such testing is still missing. The influence of the order of cycles in a flight pattern and presence of the low-amplitude cycles in it for the fatigue life is also not entirely clear, as it is not taken into account by methodologies used in practice. The paper considers a problem of identifying the service life of a high-pressure turbine disk, which surfaces were subjected to shot blasting, in the flight loading cycles. The plastic deformations profile is determined from the laboratory data obtained by the N.N. Davidenkov’s method using the proposed reconstruction formulas. To introduce surface plastic deformations in the finite element model, shell elements are used with attributes of amplitude and thickness of the preliminary deformation layer. The paper computes distribution of the residual stresses generated by incompatible part of the specified deformations, as well as stresses caused by centrifugal forces and non-uniform thermal expansion. Residual stresses move the existing hazardous points from the surface to beneath the hardened layer, almost without changing stresses inside the part. An evolutionary model is used to compute the fatigue life that takes into account the non-stationary loading history in the flight cycles. Due to the lack of data on fatigue destruction originating under the hardened surface layer, the required W?hler diagrams are simulated by shifting the diagrams for samples without the surface hardening. Analyzing computation results for four flight cycle schematizations makes it possible to determine the ranges of fatigue life predictions depending on the surface machining and irregular loading, as well as the proposed methodology applicability.
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