Computer simulation of the forming process in the structurally regular core systems
Authors: Gaydzhurov P.P. | Published: 15.02.2025 |
Published in issue: #2(779)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Theoretical Mechanics, Machine Dynamics | |
Keywords: deformation simulation, rod system, finite element method, modified Lagrange method, genetic nonlinearity |
Transformable rod systems find their wide application in design of the spacecraft panels and in medicine in the form of various benches. Developing an idea of geometric variability in spatial rod systems of the complex shape appears to be of certain theoretical interest. The paper proposes a concept of kinematic forming the regular rod system from a flat position to the dome-shaped. It uses for final implementation the finite element method in combination with the modified Lagrange method. To assess the deformed state level of a regular rod mesh taking into account the genetic nonlinearity, the paper uses values of the rods longitudinal deformation.
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