On the Efficiency of Controlling the Compression Ratio of an Internal Combustion Engine
Authors: Agalarov J.H., Hasanova T.J. | Published: 01.06.2022 |
Published in issue: #6(747)/2022 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science | |
Keywords: rotation speed, combustion front, compression ratio, spark ignition, crankshaft, fuel pressure reduction |
The article discusses internal combustion engines with variable compression ratio, which have recently aroused interest. However, the use of such power units is being delayed, because the developed structures include additional joints that limit their power. The article proves the effectiveness of the use of internal combustion engines with an adjustable compression ratio. When calculating and designing an internal combustion engine with spark ignition, much attention is paid to detonation that occurs when it is started, i.e., at high pressure in the cylinder. During subsequent acceleration, the pressure drops, and the engine is under-loaded, which can be compensated by increasing the compression ratio.
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