Structural synthesis and analysis of the self-aligning mechanisms mobility based on the structural grоups for various branches of technology
Authors: Pozhbelko V.I. | Published: 13.07.2024 |
Published in issue: #7(772)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science | |
Keywords: structural synthesis, mobility analysis, redundant connections, lever multi-circuit mechanisms |
Structural synthesis and analysis of the multi-link mechanisms mobility is the primary and most difficult stage in their design. Traditional design of mechanisms based on intuition and selection of the separate ready-made kinematic schemes from the reference books is not optimal and leads to constructing complex structures with harmful redundant connections, which increases complexity in manufacture and assembly, as well as loads, friction and wear of the machine corners. The paper proposes a new approach to creation of the self-aligning mechanisms; it consists in the directed optimal synthesis of structural schemes without the redundant connections. It shows unlimited possibility of its use in formation of the flat and spatial mechanisms in mechanical engineering. Examples are provided of the proposed approach effective application in creating mechanisms at the invention level for various fields of technology: parallel structure mechanisms, platform and folding manipulators, grabs and vibration mixers.
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