Network hinged mechanisms: creation theory, synthesis algorithms and practice of their design in mechanical engineering
Authors: Pozhbelko V.I. | Published: 12.12.2024 |
Published in issue: #12(777)/2024 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science | |
Keywords: network mechanisms, multiple hinges, redundant connections, universal structural equations, closed loops |
Structural synthesis of the complex multi-loop mechanisms with specified operational properties and increased service life appears to be the primary task in their design. The paper presents solution to a complex problem of developing a unified theory of synthesis and analysis of the new class of mechanical systems mobility in the form of various network hinged mechanisms without the redundant connections. This solution includes structural equations, creation theory and algorithms of the directed structural synthesis. The paper provides examples of introducing the developed theory of multi-loop network structures to create various mechanisms at the level of inventions. Such products could comprise flat and spatial network mechanisms and devices for various areas of mechanical engineering: lever drives of manipulators, robots, clamping devices, folding flat and spherical antennas of reflectors and locators, as well as the platform multi-support mechanisms.
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