Rod stability on a movable base under the non-conservative loading
Authors: Radin V.P., Chirkov V.P., Tsoy V.E., Novikova O.V. | Published: 15.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #1(778)/2025 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science | |
Keywords: rod on a movable base, potential and tracking forces, equilibrium rectilinear-form stability, critical loads, divergence and flutter, stability region boundaries |
Studying mechanical systems stability exposed to the non-conservative loads often leads to the unexpected results. This is often associated with alterations in the structure design schemes. The paper presents a study of stability of the equilibrium rectilinear-form rod connected by the elastic hinge with a rigid body (base), which is elastically fixed from displacements transverse to the rod axis. The rod is loaded with potential and tracking forces. The method of expanding the solution of the disturbed motion in a series of the system oscillations eigenmodes on the loading parameters plane is used to construct boundaries of the stability region. The paper illustrates the system destabilization with alteration in the internal friction parameter of the rod material. It analyzes behavior of the characteristic indicators responsible for the system stability on straight lines intersecting the stability region in zones of the boundaries non-monotonic alteration.
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